A harmonious learning environment, inspired by kids

When we created the Happy Family Training™ program, we first tested it with our own children. Our pilot group was so successful, and the effects so powerful, that teachers began to ask for more information. As a result, we developed the Happy Kid Toolkit™ — a response to the growing demand for help with attitude and behavioral challenges in the classroom. 

In this model, all kids are treated equally. They are all people like you and me, who move on and off the Unhappy Kid Triangle™ throughout the day by playing the roles on it. There are no bad kids on the Unhappy Kid Triangle™, only confused kids who think they have to play painful roles to get their needs met. Happy Family Training™ shows our kids less painful ways to ensure that their needs are met.

You'll see a difference right away: children feel better as soon as they apply what they are learning, and it self-perpetuates as their peers catch on and see the results. 

We are confident in these tools. They work in our own lives and in the lives of our children. We believe that this model is relevant and effective in every kind of learning environment, and we're eager to support teachers by bringing these tools into your classroom. 

Happy Family Training™ provides tools to teach self-responsibility, healthy boundaries and kindness. It's not about shaming or blaming others; instead, it's about empowerment. Anyone can learn and benefit from The Happy Kid Toolkit, which includes a Reality Mat©, Training Video, User Guide, Character Cards and Educational Posters. Together, these tools show kids and adults how to move off of the Unhappy Kid Triangle™.

Our model is a guide that students can use to identify and align with Reality—the way life is. Guided by consistent, firm, kid-friendly reminders, students will learn to choose positive actions. Happy Family Training™ doesn't rely on altruistic jargon about being nicer to others. Rather, it takes a practical, no-nonsense approach to helping kids understand that accepting Reality is the best and kindest thing to do for themselves.

Get the Happy Kid Toolkit Today!